Monday, August 13, 2012

Social Impact

This is a picture of a typical refugee camp outside Port-Au-Prince. After this natural disaster 1.5 million people were left homeless. The United Nations reportably pledged 4.5 billion dollars for 2010 and 2011 but only 2.8 billion have been disbursed by 2011. The problem is that the money was being privatized, outsourced or taken over by foriegn NGO's. As well the United States sent 22,000 troops and the United Nations sent 10,500 members to act as a peacekeeping force. This combination of agencies lead to a chaotic and confusing effort that cost lives as these two dueling forces clashed.

A massive cholera epidemic broke in 2010. The causes of the epidemic are not simple. Weather conditions caused by La Nina are believed to be a factor along with unsanitary conditions that pre-existed the earthquake and were magnified by the earthquake. Some sources such as the Center for Disease Control after DNA analysis believe that the outbreak could originate from UN soldiers from Asia and probably Nepal where there was a known cholera strain. It was difficult for people wanting to help to go into help because of the cholera epidemic.

Smith, David. "Millions of Children to Lose Schools 'unless Western Donors Help'" The Guardian. Guardian News and Media, 08 Nov. 2010. Web. 13 Aug. 2012. <>. 

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