Monday, August 13, 2012

Physical Devastation

This Photo depicts the destruction after the earthquake destroying homes along a ridge.

This is a picture of the devastation caused in Haiti after the earthquake on January 12th, 2010. This just shows a small part of the destruction caused by the earthquake that killed roughly 316,000 people in Haiti. The earthquake had a magnitude of around 7.0 and struck the Capitol of Port-Au-Prince. This was such a devastating earthquake not only because tof the magnitude but the fact that the earthquake struck in such a densely populated area. Haiti has 9.2 million people which is compareable to the size of Mayland and it the most densly popluated area in the Americas.

This was such a severe earthquake because it happened in one of the poorest contries in the western hemisphere. The physical destruction ravaged the island infrastructure and caused widespread a loss of power. Relief efforts were made much harder because of the blocking off of roads and airports. The native people also could not communicate with their friends and family. From my perspective it was very difficult to move supplies into Haiti at the start because there was debris everywhere.

Hazelton, Liz. "Haiti Earthquake in Pictures: How Natural Disaster Ripped an Island Apart." Mail Online., 13 Jan. 2010. Web. 13 Aug. 2012. <>.

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