Monday, August 13, 2012


This is an image of the Presidential palace from the aftermath of the earthquake

Haiti was already one of the poorest nations on earth and was naturally going to take a long time to recover after an earthquake of this magnitude. Before the earthquake Haiti was actually experiencing economic growth starting in 2005. The Haitian Hemispheric Opportunity through Partnership Encouragement (HOPE) act boosted the apparel industry and offered jobs to young workers. The economy was improving and even though this disaster did affect this countries economy it could still recover from this set back.

Haiti has never been a particually economically stable country as 80% of the country is believed to be below the poverty line. The nation generates most of its jobs from textiles and agriculture and associated industries like sugar refining. With the earthquake, unemployment levels soared with the destruction of infrastructure affecting industry and agriculture. Haiti's main exports of mangos and coffee have dropped off even with the help from United Nations donations. There is no easy way to fix the economic problem in Haiti. In time there is hope though that the progress that was being made before the earthquake can resume.

Truong, Hong-An. "Art and Culture in Haiti after the Quake | Idiom." Art and Culture in Haiti after the Quake | Idiom. Http://, 2 Feb. 2010. Web. 13 Aug. 2012. <>.

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