Monday, August 13, 2012

Political change

This is an image depicting the chaos at the time in Haiti and people calling for Martelly to be put into office.

 When Haiti's prime minister Garry Conille resigned in Febuary 2012 just after four months in office, Time reported that this is a perfect example of the way Haiti's dysfunctional government has deterred direct foriegn investment. Michel Martelly was sworn into office in May 2012 but before this, nervous international donors withheld billions for planned reconstruction. During the six months in which Haiti had no effective leadership, donors were hesitant to send funds.

Politcal corruption has become a common problem in Haiti. Overall it is believed that Haiti has one of the highest political corruption rates in the world. It is of great importance to the Haitian people that the relief effort is not a politcal tool designed to influence the country's government. The process of helping the Haitian people to recover needs to be successful because otherwise nothing will change in Haiti. I see that the Haitian people and the Haitian government are not on the same page. The government does not represent the people. The history of corruption and concentration of power only exascerbates the situation.

DESVARIEUX, JESSICA, and PORT-AU-PRINCE. "Politics Brings New Turmoil in Haiti." Time. Time, 09 Dec. 2010. Web. 13 Aug. 2012. <,8599,2036059,00.html>. 

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